Blockchain Technology

Originally created by an unknown individual – or group – going by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, the blockchain is essentially coding which allows for peer-to-peer transaction to be made, recorded and stored on an irreversible and transparent ledger. It is regarded by many to be the most disruptive technology since the internet. Whilst still in its infancy, blockchain technology is increasingly attractive to start-ups looking for new means of conducting business across the globe.

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Autumn Budget 2017 – What you need to know

On 22nd November, the UK Chancellor Philip Hammond announced the latest budget. With a downgrade on the UK’s growth forecast, many may expect a turbulent time ahead for start-ups. However, after acknowledging that small businesses are under great pressure, the Chancellor announced a series of changes that many start-ups will welcome. The following details those key announcements.

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Start-ups and Cyber security – What’s the fuss?

Last week the UK government, via the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), published guidance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on cyber security, recommending a series of steps to protect businesses (and customers) from the dangers of cyber attacks.

There is a global buzz of activity surrounding cyber security with China and the US similarly paying attention. Should you as a start-up be concerned?

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